We are now located in the Texas hill country after a big move from South Dakota.
Lakehills Texas 78063
Zeal is a SS 316l ball vape housing that accepts 22mm bowls with its diffuser style connection that works with 22mm bowls (CH diffuser bowls). SS Zeal uses 20mm barrel coil that requires it to be stretched to 23mm length. This is done simply by use a flathead screw driver and placing between coil and turning it to separate. Do this by starting one side and evenly splaying each coil wrap (I overstretch by just a little bit and compress the coil by putting the top cap on)Zeal fits around 210 rubies.
This kit also contains enough ruby to fill Zeal plus 2 grams extra, a glass bowl, PID and Coil.
Coil connection: XLR 5 Pin
Temperature range: 200 to 1000°F.
Coil is 22mm tall with inner diameter barrel coil.
Base starting temp: 530
Cloud Connoisseur has been a trusted artisan brand since 2020. It is our goal to make functional art and bring unique products to the community which iDB has been a part of since 2015. Thank you for your support and helping with the goal to bring tailored to ent needs to this community.
store owner
I have been part of this beautiful community since 2015. In 2020 I started making products starting with the first enail handle with the slit across the bottom. Since I have developed other products all of which I believe were new to community in aesthetics and function to bring a tailored experience to our customers.
We are now located in the Texas hill country after a big move from South Dakota.